(250) 414-0233

Update Your Licence Info

Keeping your licence information up to date is important to ensure that we can contact you as soon as possible should we or someone else find your missing dog.

If you no longer have your dog, please let us know so that we can remove you from the overdue list.

City of Victoria residents can update their information by using our contact form.

Oak Bay & Esquimalt residents must call their respective municipal halls to update their licence records.

Why Personal Information is collected:
  • Personal information (name, address, phone number) collected on a dog licence form is kept for:
    1. the purpose of identifying the owner of a dog
    2. to verify the current status of a dog licence
    3. to assist the Poundkeeper in their duties and responsibilities
  • Animal Responsibility Bylaw 11-044 sections 32, 33 and 49 provide the legal authority to collect this information.
  • For questions regarding the collection of this information please contact the Information Access & Privacy Analyst at the City of Victoria #1 Centennial Square, Victoria, B.C. at the following email address: privacy@victoria.ca